The Average Payout for T-Bone Accidents in Utah

From heavy traffic in Salt Lake to icy conditions in the winter, Utah roads see their fair share of T-bone collisions. If you’ve been injured in one of these collisions, you may be wondering about the average payout for a T-bone accident in the state of Utah. From physical ailments to financial repercussions, a T-bone accident can cause major disruption in your life. 

The lawyers of Harris, Preston, and Chambers have years of experience helping people like you get the compensation you deserve following a T-bone accident. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the average payout for t-bone accidents in Utah, common causes, prevalent injuries, as well as the types of compensation available. Call us at (435) 752-3551 or click the button below to request a free consultation. 





Average Payout for T-Bone Accidents in Utah

A T-bone accident occurs when one car drives directly into the side of another car. These accidents typically happen at intersections and can cause severe, even life-threatening injuries. The average payout for a T-bone accident depends on a number of factors. 

While settlements can range anywhere from $9000 to $300,000, every case is unique. It’s impossible to get an accurate estimate for your case without speaking to a personal injury attorney. The amount of fault you share in the accident, the severity of your injuries and medical bills, and many other factors play a huge role in how much compensation you’ll receive. 

Common Causes of T-Bone Accidents 

Because of their nature, T-bone accidents, also called right-angle or side-collision accidents, typically occur at intersections. The force that occurs when one car hits the side of another can cause moderate to severe injuries that have a lifelong impact. By paying attention to the road around you and understanding how T-bone accidents occur, you can better avoid one. 

Here are some of the most common causes of T-bone accidents: 

  • Failure to yield: Failure to yield is one of the most common causes of T-bone accidents. This occurs when one driver runs a red light or stop sign and crashes into the vehicle that had the right-of-way.
  • Distracted driving: Any sort of activity that diverts a driver’s attention away from the road is considered distracted driving. Whether that’s eating or using in-car entertainment systems, when a driver is not fully focused on the road, they are more likely to miss important cues that lead to a T-bone accident. 
  • Cell phone use while driving: Cell phone use while driving is one of the most significant contributors to T-bone accidents. Texting or talking on the phone takes the driver’s attention off the road, impairing their ability to react quickly to changing traffic conditions. 
  • Brake malfunction: Brake malfunction can occur when a vehicle’s braking system doesn’t stop the vehicle properly. Brakes might malfunction because of issues with the brake pads, hydraulic systems, or other components. If a driver’s brakes fail when approaching a stop sign, for example, they may collide with the vehicle already in the intersection. 
  • Drunk driving: Driving drunk impairs a driver’s ability to drive safely and appropriately, putting their life and the lives of others around them at risk. Drunk drivers are more likely to run stop signs or red lights and cause a T-bone accident. 

Most Common Injuries from T-Bone Accidents

The average payout for T-bone accidents is greatly impacted by the type and severity of injury received. The injuries that happen in a T-bone accident can vary from moderate to severe. Some of the most common injuries seen in T-bone accidents include: 

  • Whiplash: Whiplash is a common injury in T-bone accidents. The rapid motion of the neck back and forth strains the muscles and ligaments. Symptoms include neck pain, stiffness, headaches, and difficulty moving the neck. Whiplash injury often takes a long time to heal.
  • Broken bones: The force of a T-bone collision can cause fractures or broken ones, especially in the arms, legs, ribs, and collarbones. 
  • Spinal injuries: T-bone accidents can cause severe spinal injuries, ranging from a herniated disc to fractured vertebrae. Right-angle collisions can even result in spinal cord injury, paralysis, or long-term neurological issues. 
  • Head injuries: T-bone accidents can cause a variety of head injuries, including concussions, contusions, lacerations, and skull fractures. While airbags and seatbelts help mitigate some of the risk, the force in T-bone collisions still poses a significant risk. 
  • Internal damage: Internal injuries can occur after a T-bone accident when the force of the crash damages organs or causes bleeding. These injuries aren’t always visible from the outside, which is one of the things that makes them so dangerous. Symptoms often include abdominal pain, swelling, and signs of shock.


Types of Compensation You Can Recover from a T-Bone Accident

In the state of Utah, you can typically recover economic damages and non-economic damages after a T-bone accident. Economic damages include losses that have a specific monetary value. These include medical expenses, property damages, and lost wages. Non-economic damages are losses that are harder to quantify. Pain and suffering, permanent disability, and loss of consortium are all types of non-economic damages that you might be compensated for.

In order to receive compensation, fault has to be determined first. Utah is considered a modified comparative fault state. This means that you may be entitled to compensation if you are less than half at fault for the accident. If you are fifty percent or more at fault, you won’t be able to receive any sort of compensation. 

How Serious Injuries Change the Settlement Amount in Utah

The seriousness of your injuries can significantly alter the settlement amount you receive. In fact, the average T-bone accident payout goes up for more serious injuries. Utah laws consider factors like ongoing medical care, rehabilitation, and long-term disability. Injuries that are permanent typically result in a much higher settlement than a simple broken arm. 

Beyond just the physical impact, victims of T-bone accidents often experience emotional pain. For more serious injuries, the emotional pain of a completely different lifestyle can be significant and can greatly increase the settlement.  

The Impact of Expensive Medical Bills on the Settlement in Utah

After a T-bone accident, medical bills can accumulate rapidly, adding financial strain to an already stressful situation. The impact of these bills on the settlement is a critical consideration, with compensation needing to account for current and anticipated future costs. Sometimes the cost of these medical bills can be much more than the insurance is willing to pay. From hospital stays to rehabilitation, this can really add up. An experienced personal injury attorney in Utah can negotiate with the insurance help you receive a fuller settlement to cover all of these costs. 

How a Lawyer Can Help You

Navigating the aftermath of a T-bone accident requires expertise in the state’s legal workings. A Utah personal injury lawyer, like those at Harris, Preston, and Chambers, can provide invaluable assistance in your claim that may mean the difference between being compensated appropriately. Here are some of the things a lawyer can help you with after a T-bone accident:

  • Investigate the case
  • Gather evidence
  • File important paperwork
  • Negotiate with insurance
  • Take your case to trial

While legally, you could represent yourself, you’re much more likely to receive what you’re entitled to with an attorney on your side. Familiarity with Utah-specific regulations, such as the average payout for T-bone accidents, statute of limitations, and types of compensation significantly improves the chances of obtaining a fair and just settlement. 

If you’re in need of a personal injury attorney, let Harris, Preston, and Chambers help. T-bone accidents can leave you with serious, lifelong injuries, and worrying about your health is difficult enough. We’ll investigate your case, gather evidence, and do everything in our power to get you a fair settlement so you can focus on healing. 

*Nothing herein constitutes legal advice. You should obtain independent legal counsel regarding your specific factual situation.