Whether your disability is a new diagnosis or something you’ve dealt with for years, you might be looking for an experienced social security disability attorney in Utah. When it comes to receiving the social security disability benefits you’re entitled to, you shouldn’t have to jump through hoops.
And yet, the application process is lengthy as well as convoluted. Errors in your paperwork can result in your initial denial, stopping you from receiving your benefits when you need them. A disability attorney in Utah, however, can help you through the process.
At Harris, Preston, & Chambers, we understand the complex laws surrounding social security disability benefits. We’ll help you file paperwork to ensure there are no errors. Should you be denied, we can take on the appeals process for you. We understand the ins and outs of applying for and receiving disability benefits in Utah. Let us fight for you today!
Social Security Disability Attorney in Utah
When illness falls or a disabling accident occurs, the last thing you want to worry about is how you will provide for yourself and your family. Social security disability benefits are meant to protect individuals who become unable to work due to illness or disability. The federal government, however, has a strict set of guidelines for who is eligible for benefits, which means the process to apply is lengthy. Because of the complicated process of receiving benefits, hiring a disability lawyer in Utah can help you get the benefits you deserve.
Qualifications to Receive Social Security Disability
The first step in applying for social security disability is figuring out whether or not you are eligible for benefits. Although each social security claim is unique, the following generally need to be true to qualify for benefits:
- You must be unable to work, or unable to work full time, receiving less than $1260 a month.
- Your disabling condition must be expected to last longer than 12 months. You will need a diagnosis from a doctor.
- You must be “insured,” meaning you’ve worked long enough and have paid into social security. In general, this means you have worked for at least 10 years and paid FICA taxes 5 out of the last 10 years.
- Most people who receive social security disability benefits are fifty years old or older and receive Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) until they are of retirement age. However, there are some exceptions and some people who are younger are able to receive social security disability benefits.

How an Attorney Can Help You Get Social Security Benefits
If you’re applying for SSDI, you might be wondering how a social security disability attorney in Utah can help you get social security benefits. Because of how complicated the process is, a single error can stop you from getting the benefits you deserve.
Two-thirds of initial applications are denied, and waiting for an appeal can take more than a year.
Hiring a disability lawyer in Utah can help you avoid costly mistakes. The cleaner your application, the more likely you are to be approved initially. And should you be denied, having a lawyer will help you navigate the appeals process and present a strong claim.
What Happens After a Denial
If you’ve been denied social security disability benefits, you may feel discouraged. However, what many people don’t know is that you can appeal a denial. The appeal process has four possible steps.
- First, you’ll need to file a request for reconsideration. You have 60 days from the denial to send in your request.
- If your request is denied, you’ll take your appeal to an administrative judge. You have 60 days from the denial of your request to file an appeal. This is where it’s especially important to hire an experienced disability lawyer. A disability lawyer in Utah will give you a better chance of winning your appeal. In Utah, hearings take place at the Office of Hearing Operations in Salt Lake City.
- If your appeal is denied, you can go before the Social Security Appeals Council. Again, a disability attorney will give you your best shot at winning. The appeals council is located in Falls Church, Virginia.
- Finally, if the appeals council denies your appeal, you can file a lawsuit in a federal court.
The process of receiving benefits you’re entitled to can be quite frustrating. On average, most people wait 16 months to see an administrative judge. The average processing time for your benefits is a year and a half. If you are denied after everything, an ADA attorney may be able to help you receive supplemental security income (SSI), which is a partial amount of SSDI benefits.
Is fighting an auto insurance company hard?
There are roughly 6 million car crashes reported by the police every year in the United States according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. About 3 million people are left injured or are killed in those accidents. There are an extremely large amount of lawsuits and insurance claims filed every year. Car insurance companies are literally experts at denying your claims. Having the support of an experienced attorney to assist you when fighting an insurance company is a great way to show that you’re serious. It will also protect your rights when going up against these powerful companies.
If you believe that you’ve been treated unfairly by your insurance company, you have the right to present evidence to them about your concerns. If your insurance company ignores your material and says you don’t have a case, you could be losing out on valuable coverage. Having to pay out-of-pocket
for your bills and other related expenses is the last thing you want to do. Insurance companies obviously want to keep their claim amounts small or deny them all together as this greatly benefits them. Stop them from paying out far less than your case is worth by hiring a trusted car accident attorney to fight the battle for you.
The Claim Process
Hiring a skilled attorney is without a doubt the best way to receive the maximum compensation you deserve after your car accident. Having experienced representation could increase the value of your settlement up to 5 times. Filing a claim on your own can be so confusing and gives your insurance company the opportunity to take advantage of you during this vulnerable time. Below are the basic steps in our claim process;
1. Investigate the Accident
The first step we’ll take is to thoroughly investigate your accident. This will entail requesting a police report, examining photographs or video footage of the crash scene as well as interviewing any witnesses. Knowing what we are dealing with gives us the best foundation to start working from.
2. Building Your Claim
This portion of the claim process is by far the most time-intensive and where the hard work comes in. Any treatment of injuries you have been receiving will need to be completely finished before our team can complete comprehensive medical records that include all injuries and the costs involved.
4. Negotiate a Satisfactory Settlement
After we’ve compiled your medical records and all your treatments are complete, we’ll deliver a demand package to the insurance company of the party at fault. At this point, negotiations will begin. If we’re able to negotiate a fair offer, you’ll receive your compensation. If we can’t come to an agreeable negotiation, you have the option to file a lawsuit. Filing a lawsuit could potentially extend the life of your claim by a substantial amount of time. Litigation is typically the longest step in the claim process. It’s not uncommon for litigation to draw out your claim by one or even two years.
If you’ve been in a car accident in Utah and you need help understanding your options, contact us for a free consultation!